Posterior Cervical Fusion Many neck problems are the result of degenerative changes in the intravertebral discs of the cervical spine. Injury to the spine and complications resulting from previous surgeries can also affect the neck. Fortunately, most patients...
What is a Keyhole Foraminotomy? As we age, it is common to see cervical spine disease in adults. Pain ranging from mild neck pain to severe shooting pains down the arm drive patients to seek relief from their doctor. Fortunately, most cases of cervical pain are...
What causes bone spurs? Bone spurs are common as we age, and many people do not even know they have them. They are typically found after an X-ray or MRI that are ordered for other conditions. When you do have symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor to discuss...
Don’t Overdo It In the Garden! Enjoy the beauty of your garden and reduce the possibility of back pain and or overuse injuries by remembering these safety suggestions: Avoid long gardening sessions Warm up before gardening with slow, sustained stretches and...
Do I have a pinched nerve in my neck? If you have pain that radiates down your arm, you may have a pinched nerve in your neck. Nerves are your body’s alert system. For example, if you have your hand over something hot, your nerves tell you to pull away. These signals...
Office Syndrome, Causing Back & Neck Pain Yeah, it’s a thing.. Do you get headaches often at work? Do you have shoulder and chronic low back pain or numbness in your hands and feet? That’s because in today’s work environment we are normally sitting...