Physical Therapy in NJ
At Performance Ortho, Physical Therapy is fundamentally different than any stand-alone clinics. All of our clinics, Physical Therapy Clinic in Watchung, Physical Therapy Clinic in Branchburg and Physical Therapy in Somerset have doctorate level physicians that are an integral components in our interdisciplinary team approach to non-surgical orthopedic treatment and is under the direct supervision of a medical physician, who has a specialty in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
At the outset of treatment, one of our highly trained physical therapists will perform an initial comprehensive examination and consultation. Their findings and treatment recommendations will be discussed with you, and our medical rehabilitation team, in a shared decision-making model of patient care. This collaboration ensures that patient care is delivered in a controlled, timely manner, resulting in faster recovery and return to normal activities.
Physical Therapy Treatments:
Game Ready Compression
Spinal Decompression
Active Release Technique
Lower Back Pain Relief
Shock Wave Therapy
Kinetic Tapping
Among these techniques Physical therapists commonly treat chronic or acute pain, or problems with coordination, balance, strength, endurance, flexibility, or range of motion. These symptoms can affect your ability to perform basic lifestyle activities or prevent a full return to recreational or competitive sporting activities.
Our Physical Therapy department has expertise in therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular training, sports specific training, functional movement systems and pre/postoperative rehabilitation.
Book With An Expert Physical Therapist Today!
Since Performance Ortho is a physician owned facility, no referral from a primary care physician or specialist is needed for physical therapy services. Of course, if you have an outside prescription for physical therapy, there would be no need to see our medical physician.
If you have any questions or you want to make an appointment please call one of our Patient Care Coordinators at 908-754-1960 or you may book an appointment online.