Can acupuncture treat low back pain?
Low back pain is extremely common today. Eight out of 10 people will experience it at some point in their life. According to WebMD, low back pain is also the #1 reason people seek acupuncture treatment. But is it effective?
Recent research has shown that it is indeed effective. The archives of Internal Medicine published a review in 2012 that included 18,000 participants. The participants received either authentic acupuncture treatments, a “fake” treatment, or no acupuncture at all. Those who received a real acupuncture treatment experienced 50% improvement in their mobility and chronic pain issues.
Two similar reviews were published in 2013. These studies both showed that acupuncture is a successful treatment for chronic low back pain.
Often acupuncture is successful because it stimulates the central nervous system, increases circulation, and decreases pain.In scientific terms acupuncture eases pain by affecting neurotransmitters, hormone levels, and improving the immune system.
People are often skeptical whether or not acupuncture can truly reduce pain because the treatment is done with needles. We RARELY have people describe our acupuncture treatments as painful. In fact, acupuncture is so relaxing, our patients often fall asleep. People often describe the needles feelings like a little “pinch.”
Acupuncture needles are shaped differently than injection needles. Instead of having a sharp edge, they come to a smooth point and are extremely thin (up to 20x thinner than an injection needle). Not only are they virtually painless, they also do not remove any tissue and are much safer than a hypodermic needle.
If you have tried other conventional treatments with no success and are tired of living in pain, acupuncture is a great option for you! For more information please feel free to contact one of our Patient Care Coordinators today at 908-754-1960 to make an appointment or book an appointment online.